Version 1.6 is here! New firestore panel + Sharedpreferences + navigation methods

Hey Nowa builders :wave: a BIG upgrade (V1.6) :fire: is already LIVE! It’s time for you to enjoy Firestore full power in building queries! Save data locally with SharedPrefrence! This release comes as well with alot of improvements and bug fixing!

New :sparkles:

  • A big upgrade on Firestore integration: we just made it super powerful! You can create collections and subcollections, build advanced queries, test queries quickly before implementing it, and even live updating with Streams! (Full tutorial will be released soon)

  • Store data locally with Shared Preferences: you can now store and fetch variables saved locally in the device. You will find (set, get and clear) nodes in Circuit under Shared Preferences section.

  • Different types of Navigation methods: We upgraded the navigation system to support multiple methods such as push, pushReplacement, pop and pushandremoveuntil. This is useful in cases such as Login screens or Splash screen when you don’t want users to be able to go back to those screens after passing them. To use it, you will find a new node called Navigator in Circuit.

  • Image picker: You can now use Image pickerobject in Circuit to enable users to pick images from their gallery or camera.

  • Import API from Postman: if you using Postman already, you can import all requests from Postman to Nowa in a single click!

Fixes :adhesive_bandage:

  • App Icon not updating correctly in some cases.
  • Build fails for Android when changing the package name.
  • Build number not updated correctly when code is downloaded.
  • A problem in generated code when a screen file is deleted from the project.
  • Some problems in Firebase Firestore for some queries.
  • Some bugs in the UI designer

Improvements :adhesive_bandage:

  • You can see the types of input and output pins in Circuit when hovering over them.
  • You can filter built-in widgets or user-made components in Widget picker.
  • New UI for settings page.

What’s coming next :eyes:

-** Audio player**: we delayed releasing the audio player until the next release to do some necessary improvements.

  • Firestore storage: You will be able to upload and fetch files from Firebase storage.

Coming Tutorials :scroll:

  • Build a full customized AI-assistant chat app with ChatGPT
  • How to Firebase Auth to build a full Auth system
  • How to use Firestore full power in creating collections, building queries and updating data

Please let us know what you think! :eyes: :orange_heart: We just love to hear from you all!

Let’s go build something! :fire:

Now sure that you are replate navigate with navigator, but I found that navigator doesn’t have parameter node. So, I can’t send parameter to next page.

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Hey @Toni_Lieo You are right! We just fixed it already with version 1.6.1 :slight_smile:
Be sure to update your version and you will be then be able to pass parameters using the new Navigator :slight_smile: