V1.5 → Firestore 🔥 and New Error System

Hey! :wave:t2:
Say Hi to Firestore :zap: and to our new Error system! We are happy to announce one of our biggest releases! (V1.5). After we released Firebase authentication in the last release, Now, you can connect your app to Firestore Also, it’s now easier to avoid errors with a new Error System that shows you the errors in your app before you deploy! So, let’s dive into details!


  • Firebase Firestore : You can now connect your app to Firestore, create collections, perform queries, and more! (tutorial is coming soon )
  • Error system: Errors are now shown in the bottom tab. If you click on one of them, it will take you to the error location so you can fix it. No more of finding errors while deploying!
  • New UI: We are changing the UI to a complete new one that will make building apps way easier and more exciting! we just released the first part of the new UI, with the rest coming on the way!

This is the first version of our error system. Not all errors are detectable yet, but with each release, we will improve on the amount of error detected


  • Fix a bug that caused a failure in deploying a release version for Android
  • Fixing some bugs in the UI
  • Some performance improvement

Let us know what you think!
With your encouragement and feedback, Nowa is becoming better ever single week! We can’t thank you enough! Let’s go build something!