V1.4 is live with Global variables, more features and improvements :)

A new version (1.4) with BIG changes is just LIVE now! Now, you can finally create Global State , where you can have global variables shared across all your screens! Beside alot of other new features, improvements and fixes Let’s dive deeper (view more details in the release notes )


  • Adding Global state : to create one, deselect any screen, then in the details panel click on Variables tab
  • Adding functions: now you can also create functions visually using circuit inside any screen/component/global state, and call that function from another place in circuit.
  • New variables system : now it’s way easier and more efficient to create variables using the totally new Variables tab in the details panel.
  • Adding default text style wrapper and text directionality wrapper to give a style for all texts blow it
  • APK debug : now you can build quickly an APK for testing without needing to wait long or having a key
  • Google fonts are included by default
  • Create gradient in the color picker


  • Fix circular dependencies problems (ex, when two screens navigate to each other, this was reported by our beloved members here ;))
  • Fix a bug with Android build while deploying or running the app on an Android emulator.
  • Improve the speed and fix some issues during the project loading
  • Fix issues with code loading
  • Fix bugs with API schemas

Hope you all happy with this upgrade.
Big coming updates are coming very soon as well.

Let’s go build something great :fire:


Great Update! Lots of new BIG changes. Congrats! :rocket: