Search Function in Nowa Documentation

Hi team, please add a search function in Nowa Documentation to help us find information more easily and quickly. :mag_right: :mag: :eyes:


Hey @kevinckl , thanks for sharing that with us!

I totally agree search bar is a must so you can find what you looking for easily. We have opened a ticket for it already and hopefully it will live soon :slight_smile: I will post here as well when it’s live.

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Hey @kevinckl , we just released the search function within our documentation :slight_smile: thanks for your request first of all! Hope it’s way easier now to find what you looking for in the docs :fire:

Hello @anas, thanks for the release! I’m grateful for considering my request and working on it until its release. I’m confident that the ‘search function’ in will enhance our understanding of the interconnectedness within Nowa. In the provided screenshot, I’m searching for ‘circuit’ to explore related topics, which helps us map the relations and gain better understanding for certain topics, including how to apply them when building the app. Hopefully, we can chat with Nowa documentation, perhaps via chatbot, to accelerate our app building soon. Great job, Nowa!