Read qr code in App

Hello. I need to read QR codes from my application. Is there any example of this? If there is not one, some line or idea of ​​work

hey @claudioc ,

thanks for posting! unfortunately we don’t yet have a QR code reader widget. You can implement it by code at the moment, but it’s on our list and will be reelased in the next coming versions :slight_smile:

Hello. You say code, ok.
I ask: how do I import a package? Because if I edit the screen code, it is not saved

@claudioc Do you have the desktop version of Nowa? If yes, you can have your projects (Flutter) saved locally so you could open it with any IDE like VS code and import the package you need.

For importing packages it can’t be done at the moment from Nowa itself therefore you have to do it as you normally do for any Flutter project.

But, if you have the desktop version and have the project to be local you can then switch back to Nowa and contiune building there