Good Morning Sirs is it Madams I understand you have a learning platform for teaching platform. I like to know does it integrate, does it integrate associated learning models a or activity does it integrate social learning at various unstructured intervals in a setting which can expand. If this is not an environment that you are producing this is there a desire soon to adopt various social learning structures. Second; I like to know if there a mechanism of acquiring notes and exporting notes from the interactions of the students and teachers. I look forward to your response
Hey @excellentone7 First of all welcome to our community
For the learning resources, we are fully aware that there should be more content to learn from. We are currently wokring on a total new documentation beside new tutorials that cover real usecases. We are preparing a big release for Nowa 2.0 and we are already preparing the leanring content for it.
If you have any question in the meantime please feel free to ask us here.
For now, you can use our documentation and Youtube channel as main learning resources, beside asking us here or using our Discord community, and we will help you as best as you can.
If you like to do tutorials yourself on Nowa, please feel free to do so, and we can provide some help in this case.