Need help to solve an error in my project

Hi, got repeating errors in my project.

  1. The return type ‘Login’ isn’t a widget, as required by the closure’s context
  2. The return type ‘Facilities’ isn’t a widget, as required by the closure’s context
    both these errors are repeated multiple times in the project, and when checked dart code of the classes they do return a widget.
    im confused, and cant really figure out what is expected as ‘widget’ here.

the ‘login’ screen uses two firebase services - signinwithemailandpassword and the signinwithgoogle
and clicking on the error shows the circuit, but its hard to find the exact cause of error.

I’m stuck with resolving these errors and therefore cannot proceed to deploy the app to web.
I tried contacting the team via email with the project id regarding the errors and due to slow response asked the question here.

Please help me with resolving these two errors. Thank you.

Hey @Shrut_Patel

I have replied to your colleague with all the casues and fixes for the project on Discord :slight_smile: