Livestream with Nowa team will be held on Thursday!

Hey eveyone :wave:

Since we already working on new tutorials and documentation to make you all able to use Nowa better, we decided to do something quick in the meantime :wink:

On Thursday 19:00 GMT, we will start a one-hour livestream to explain and cover how to use Nowa fully. We will build together an e-commerce app. In the last 15 minutes we will have a Q&A session answering all your questions live.

In this livestream, we will cover:

  • Integrating Sign in/ Sign up using Firebase Authetication
  • Using Firestore database to store the items
  • Using Variables and Parameters
  • Using Circuit to build the logic
  • Building a responsive UI that is connected to the database (Firestore)
  • Connect all the pieces together

We will steam it on our Youtube channel, and we will release the video afterwards for the users who couldn’t make it.

Here’s the link :link:

Be ready :fire: