Ios Build to .ipa package, large videos issues

When trying to build for ios, I don’t see an option to generate an .ipa file directly so we can test the application on a real ios device. The built in web emulators for some reason, doesn’t suffice our use cases, as shown below:

Also, Nowa doesn’t use actual emulators like appetize, (at the time of writing), (maybe due to cost) but I don’t think the desktop version integrates directly to android studio, (don’t see an option for that).
This feature would be fundamental for those users that can’t justify having an app developer account on apple and (even on testflight), as an .ipa file (like android .apk files) allows for self install outside of the respective application stores.


Also, Nowa is having issues with medium sized video files, or maybe there is a weird issue when building a 1 widget app.

I use to get error like this.
my solution.

  1. try to build on release tab multiple times.
  2. if not working, create new project and try again.

hope it helps.


Hey @Jnsystems

Thanks for posting here! Happy to help you here:

  • Using cloud projects, we offer that you deploy it to Test flight on the App store so you can test it on real iOS devices before launching
  • You can test it on the actual iOS emaulator (also Android emulator, even your actual smartphone) if you have your project saved locally. So in case you have it saved locally you can simply run the emulator directly (or connect your phone with the emulator mode being turned on), then inside the project in Nowa, you will find the emulator name (or your actual device) on the top right (you can also open the project with Android Studio/VS code and run it on an emulator from there).
  • If your project is a cloud project, you simply need to download the source-code frist, then import it inside Nowa, after that, it will be simply a local project so you can do what I mentioned above.

Check out this video here:

Hope it helps :slight_smile: if you have any other question please let me know!