Image Picker in Circuit - where to find and how to use

1.6 (20 May 2024) Image picker: You can now use Image pickerobject in Circuit to enable users to pick images from their gallery or camera.

Hi, I need to know where can i locate this “Image Picker” in the Circuit and how can i use it to let users upload images or files from their devices?

Hey! @Shrut_Patel Unfortunately we had to pull it back due to some issues, but we will release it again very soon. We are just enabling sending files using API, afterwards we will get back the image picker :slight_smile:

hello, will the “imagepicker” and the “file uploading” options be coming soon?

Addition to this:
How can we allow users to upload files, such as PDF documents, and ensure these files data (file url, date created, uploaded by, uploaded date) are stored in the Aitable datasheet OR in Firestore?