Having full screen and scroll view together

Hello, I want to know if it is possible or am doing something wrong.
If i want to use Scroll view in a page[for example] i have to group all the components and use the scroll view.
my issue here as per attached image, If i made it like this, i have to reduce the size of the scroll view container to suite the small size phones, as per image 1 and 2, but when i view it on larger phones, i would have extra empty space as in image 3 (if i dont reduce it the small mobile wont show all the items even if you scrolled to the bottom).

Is there any way to make the scrolling to cover the whole sized and not being static ?
Or it is available, can someone show me how to do it ?


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I read the documentation about making the site responsive

Unfortunately there is only fixed and auto options available

Hey @mohd, so you need to make the main screen layout to be a column first, and then make the height for the group inside that screen to be Expanded.

Expanded option won’t be there if the main screen layout you have is stack (which is the default one).

So simply choose the screen itself, then in the details panel choose the coloum option (vertical arrow) then make the group that has the Scroll view wrapper to have an expanded hight.

Check this page about Screen properties: Screen properties | Nowa Documentation

In section 4 you will find the group option, which is the screen main layout structure than you need to change to a column, then all widgets in the screen will be arranged vertically

Hope it helps:)

When i saw your last video on YouTube, i got the idea and immediately implemented it to my projects and ot is working greatly.

Thank you

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