Full design crash course in Nowa - learn all Nowa UI design concepts and tools!

You asked and we listened! That’s our first “crash course” video on the UI designer in Nowa.

We covering all concepts from widgets, components, wrappers and more, and end it up with applying all that in a real use-case design.

If you have any question or comment regarding the video please leave it below and we will help you as soon as we see it :slight_smile:


Thank you for the helpful tutorial! Could you please create additional tutorials covering other widgets such as Page View, Indexed Stack, Select Field, and Cross Fade? Thanks!

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First of all welcome @kevinckl :heart: , Sure, there will be a tutorial about navigation widgets including all of those with also drawer, bottom navigation bar and others.

We will post it in Academy as well as we release it

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Thank you, @anas . Additional documentation for all the tutorials will definitely speed up our app design process! :rocket:

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This is great. Keep it up!

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