We are looking to use Nowa to create an app for Windows/macOS. We already have apps for iOS/Android that are simple interfaces to a Wordpress site. The Windows/macOS app will be essentially the same. I’ve already built the main parts (navigation, web view). But we were hoping to add a few more advanced items, which I suspect will require editing the flutter code, but just want to get some confirmation:
We need to pass the hostname of the device running the app to the website loaded via webview as a URL parameter (google/?hostname=DESKTOP-J3291D for example). Flutter makes this available via the platform class (Platform class - dart:io library - Dart API). Is that accessible via Nowa without editing the code?
We would love to be able to allow the end user to take a screenshot of the operating system from within the app. We’ve identified a plugin called screen_capturer (screen_capturer | Flutter package) that should do the trick. I assume this is something we would just integrate into our code? Any suggestions on making that easier to manage when building in Nowa before downloading the code?
Can we get some clarification on the difference between cloud and desktop use? Also, is it possible to open an existing project from within the Nowa desktop app? We created a an app using the Nowa desktop app and then when we went to run a test, the app appears to have crashed/closed and when we re-opened the project wasn’t there. I can see the files though in the directory we used to store and did save it before running it. It would be nice to re-open it somehow instead of starting over.