Cannot find the menu


Where can i find this menu please, I don’t have it on my account (I am in free plan)

From what I have found it does not exist anymore.
Are you trying to connect data? - That’s why I was looking for it.

Yes, I 'm trying to connect data, how can I do it,
I click on this menu “create new API” but it doesn’t work, nothing happens

Hey @Niando_RA

The side banner was in Nowa V1 but not anymore in Nowa V2. To create an API request, click on the + button next to the lib folder on top left, then choose New API collection

With Nowa V2 eveything became file-based, wether it’s a file, global state, object, API collection or also for Firebase, it’s all created the same way and managed then by clicking on the file itself.

Hope this helps :slight_smile: Goodluck!

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