Bug in Android build to test on emulator or device

Getting these bugs when I try to build an app, even an empty app.

Anyone else getting these?


Hey @webdude Thanks for posting here. I am sorry that you are getting that error. Can you please share the projectID with me? you can find it in the link when you open the project.

I will then take a look at it and see what’s the reason in that.


Thanks! :wink:

Thanks for sharing it :slight_smile: I will pass it to the team and get back to you as quickly as possible

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Hey @webdude I have actually tested the app and it runs perfectlly fine. The music player is working and even the boadcast (great job by the way :fire:)

Is the problem already solved for you? or is there another problem?

Hey @anas
If I download the online project and open it as a local project, to test on a (virtual) device, I get the following:

Hey @webdude
Oh you are right, there was a problem in the current version, which happens in some cases when loading the project.

It’s already fixed in the upcoming version that we will release in the next few hours (V1.7).

Just update Nowa to 1.7, and then open the project again, this problem should be gone already :slight_smile:

Sorry to say but the new version is full of bugs.
Nowa doesn’t save the home screen in my online version.

When I download my online version to test on (virtual) devices, there’s no creation of my screens.

Hey @webdude Yes you are right we found out a problem with the new version. In few hours we will release an update that fix that error and other important ones as well so be sure to update your copy :slight_smile:

The new version is live already v1.7.1. Be sure to update it!

Updated, it remembers the home screen.
But when I download the code & open it, I still get the following: