Bad State log error on screens and not loading

hi, got two log errors in my project.

  1. Could not load canvas “Facilities(var7:false,var6:false)”: Bad state: The target expression should be a widget
  2. Could not load canvas “Login()”: Bad state: The target expression should be a widget

    the screen appears red in some instances like shown in the screenshot, and other times it keeps loading.
    Also all the navigations to both theses screens are disconnected.
    Cant figure out what the “target expression should be a widget” mean and need help to solve this error.

Hey @Shrut_Patel

Can you please either share the projectID or share the source-code for the Facilities and Login?

sure, here is the project id - Nowa

Hey @Shrut_Patel I have tried the project and it all loads for me, do you have the latest update? (v1.8).

I was talking already to your colleague on Discord to solve other issues in the project and I have sent them all of it there.

Hope it all works out!